I never thought I would ever start a blog--but here I am. I never thought I had an interesting enough life (or wit) to really keep up a blog. But my aunt and several others encouraged me to keep them updated on my life while I am abroad and the Blog seemed like the best way (and it was the method suggested). So here I am.
Quick update on Mary's Life:
I graduated officially from BYU a week ago when my final grades came out from Spring Semester. I majored in Humanities: Art History. I did commencement exercises in April and it feels good to have that justified with some good grades from Spring Semester.
Since graduating from BYU I have moved to Spain for the summer. Why? See the next point
Last summer in 2010 I met a wonderful guy named Ulises when he came to Utah to study English. We were in the same ward (church group) in Provo and we began dating a couple months after we met. (if you want the real story, you'll have to ask me. This version is the version Ulises likes to circulate) He is from Barcelona so when he had to return to Spain in October we decided to meet again in December over Christmas Break. I went to Spain over Christmas and had the time of my life. After I came back to the states we figured the best way to see each other again would be for me to finish school and come out for the summer. And now, here I am!
What else is new? I am currently unemployed like most recent graduates and like most people in Spain. So that is fun. Currently I'm teaching myself Spanish out of books and struggling through conversation with Ulises family (none of them speak English). It's been fun and I have faith I can learn it. Its a little easier than Hungarian so I figure if I put in the work, I can learn it.
What else... hmm I am really interested in healthy eating and living. I've made some really great life style changes and the results are encouraging. Ive found that if I cut sweets, and don't eat fake food (try and keep artificial things out of my diet) and portion control, then my body takes care of itself. I also have started exercising a lot and enjoy weight lifting to a certain extent (weird, I know)I see success and find more motivation when I document and see the changes. Pictures, weight, inches... So yeah. That has been a great thing.
New goals? Spanish of course. Also, I want to learn to play the hymns better. I can struggle through them and it can sound actually tolerable and familiar if the key is in C. But I want to be able to be ready if called on to play. So I wanna go through Hymns and practice them enough for that.
ok, well I have had a lot of adventures already. So I'll post again soon! Why not now? Well I am busy you see. I must Prepare for our small vacation to the Canary Islands tomorrow morning!!! Ulises surprised me with an adventure to the island where his ancestors are from. his great grandpa was born there along with other relatives. When his grandma found out we were going, she started to cry. We rented a car and will try and find the church that has his baptismal records and other stuff. Then of course there is the beach of a beautiful island! we will be there 3 days! Isn't he sweet?
completely jealous (but oh so thrilled!) that you are in SPAIN! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I envy your life right now (I know....I'm not supposed to do that). You are beautiful and I am so happy that you are happy! Have an amazing time! I'm excited to keep up on your life and live some of it vicariously through you! LOVE YOU!