Wednesday, December 17, 2014

back to the blog with a small update

So I've been putting off writing because it's a little intimidating to try and update and get up to speed on everything that had happened. But I decided that's not really necessary. I'll just let you know what's up now!
1. We moved from Spain to Colorado for Ulises to study his PhD
2. I work in a daycare facility at the Colorado athletic club where I run arts and crafts. I get to take Walter. It's great to have him always near and accessible but also be out and interacting with the community.
3. Our ward is giant. 200 kids in the primary alone!
4. Ulises is enjoying his engineering construction management program and is excelling.
5. Walter is rolling sitting and babbling. He is our sunshine! And is a pure delight!

Now for some pictures

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